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Before Your Visit

For New Patients

Our goal is to provide you the quality care that you deserve. We do our best to streamline the process and be respectful of your time.  You will be asked to complete a questionnaire prior to your first visit - this will be available online through the MyScripps app or on paper during check-in.

  • We request all new patients to obtain X-rays as part of a complete evaluation. Please arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment to have X-rays taken in our office.


  • If you are bringing imaging from an outside facility (X-rays, CT scan, or MRI), please make sure to bring BOTH the CD/hard copy with images, as well as the radiology report.


  • If you have had surgery elsewhere, please bring a copy of your operative report to your visit.


  • If you are coming in for a lower extremity issue (hip, knee, ankle), feel free to bring a pair of shorts to change into for your examination. We will also have disposable shorts for you if you prefer.

  • Please make sure you bring a photo ID as well as your insurance card for the check-in process. Patients under the age of 18 will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.


We encourage you to come to your initial consultation with a written list of questions to ensure you don’t forget to ask them when you are seeing the doctor.

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